Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thanksgiving Weekend 2010

This Thanksgiving we had a wonderful time!

The day before Thanksgiving my mom, sisters and I went up to Flagstaff and picked up my Grandma. :) I was so excited! When we headed up there Camp Verde was cold but it was only definite Fall weather, however, when we got to Flagstaff, it began snowing! It was so pretty! It made my mom start singing Christmas songs. hee hee!

Thanksgiving Day we had a family from church over and we ate, talked and had a little singing. The family sang a song in French for us so we sang one in Spanish for them. :) It was so fun! The little girls were all dressed as Native Americans and their little boy was too. They were cute. :)

The next day, we had two other families come up from Phoenix and we had lunch here at the house. Afterwards, we went to Montezuma Castle and Montezuma Well and hiked around and looked at books.

Today we are going to take my Grandma home. It has been so nice having her after not spending time with her in sooo long. :)