In Fall of 2017 my poor Jeep hit a semi tire and the rear axle snapped. A lot of jarring and fright but I managed to get it parked at a Speedway off of the interstate and there it sat til we came back with a trailer to tow it to my boyfriend's stepdad's shop. We began the search for a new axle but grew discouraged as I was between jobs and so was my boyfriend. So it sat until, finally, in the summer of 2018, we got the old Jeep on the road once more...not without obstacles and many headaches and greasy fingers. It just wasn't the same, however, for it's old creaky joints were groaning and popping and rather scaring me to death. The tires were cracked and bald, the transmission slipping and the taillights worked only when it suited them.
Finally, after spending hundreds in repairs in an attempt to keep Old Faithful on the road and crying many tears of frustration, the decision was made. It was time to part. The search for a new vehicle was not easy having no credit to our names and not being successful in getting a loan from any banks. Then, one day in January, my eyes were dazzled by a lightning blue Ford Mustang. I am not a Ford fan at ALL but the color and sporty look of this car was just what I wanted. So I took a ride and the smooth drive was heaven! It was not my dream vehicle but definitely an improvement from what I had. So we have begun the payments to the end of owning this beauty and in return we had to bid farewell to Old Faithful and say hello to the new Mustang.