On April 15, 2013, I was driving up to the highway from the Wallaces on their dirt road a little faster than usual. I started to feel like the back of the van was pulling and I tried to slow down but it was too late. I went up over a bump to the side and up into the bushes. I removed my hands from the wheel, thinking of the song "Jesus Take the Wheel" even as I screamed once. Then the van rolled, landing upright, and I looked around me. There were parts everywhere and I could see that there would be no saving the van. I called Brother Russell, who at first thought I was joking, and then sat still waiting for him to come. I could not get out because I had landed in the bushes and the driver's side door was trapped. The passenger's side door was stuck too because of the damage.
A vehicle pulled past me then stopped when they realized what had occurred and a woman came to ask if I was okay. When I confirmed I was, my mind was whirling and all I could think was, "My dad is going to be so mad." It was silly but I was thinking of the damage and that my mom would now have no vehicle to do errands with. The woman reassured me saying, "I don't think your parents will care so much for the vehicle. They will just be happy you're alive." Then she told me that, 15 years before, her own daughter rolled a vehicle and did not survive.
Brother Russell and his family arrived and helped me out of the van. Sister Elisabeth took me to the suburban while we waited for my dad to come, who Brother Russell had called. Only a few minutes later Brother Ted (my pastor) and my dad arrived. My dad was not upset with me and held me while I sobbed my fear out before passing me to my brother where I sobbed some more. The men worked together and, borrowing some of the neighbors' things (with permission, of course), they loaded the van on a trailer. At last I thanked my rescuers and my dad took me home.
I lived for months with the constant reliving of the accident, often waking up in the middle of the night wanting to scream and scream, but I asked Brother Ted and others to pray for me and I no longer have that problem. Yes, I still have a bit of nervousness going down that road but I know the Lord will help me with that too. I know that He has something planned for my life and that's why I survived that wreck so I will keep believing.
The following pictures were taken after we got home.
Notice that there was no damage to the driver's side from the door onward
The windshield
From inside, sitting in the driver's seat
...Jesus take the wheel
Take it from my hands
Cause I can't do this on my own
I'm letting go
So give me once more chance
Save me from this road I'm on
Jesus take the wheel...