Wednesday, September 28, 2011

A Tale of Two Horses (Author Unknown)

Just up the road from my home is a field, with two horses in it.

From a distance, each horse looks like any other horse.
But if you stop your car, or are walking by, you will notice something quite amazing....

Looking into the eyes of one horse will disclose that he is blind.
His owner has chosen not to have him put down, but has made a good home for him.

This alone is amazing.
If you stand nearby and listen, you will hear the sound of a bell.
Looking around for the source of the sound, you will see that it comes from the smaller horse in the field.
Attached to the horse's halter is a small bell.
It lets the blind friend know where the other horse is, so he can follow.
As you stand and watch these two friends,
You'll see that the horse with the bell is always checking on the blind horse,
And that the blind horse will listen for the bell and then slowly walk
To where the other horse is,
Trusting that he will not be led astray.
When the horse with the bell returns
To the shelter of the barn each evening,
It stops occasionally and looks back,
Making sure that the blind friend isn't too far behind to hear the bell.

Like the owners of these two horses,
God does not throw us away just because we are not perfect
Or because we have problems or challenges.
He watches over us and even brings others into our lives
To help us when we are in need..

Sometimes we are the blind horse
Being guided by the little ringing bell of those who God places in our lives.
Other times we are the guide horse, helping others to find their way....

Good friends are like that..
You may not always see them, but you know they are always there..

And remember...
Be kinder than necessary-
Everyone you meet is fighting
Some kind of battle.

Live simply,
Love generously,
Care deeply,
Speak kindly.......

And leave the rest to God!


Recipe of the Year: Preserved Children

Take 1 large field, half a dozen children, 2 or 3 small dogs, a pinch of brook and some pebbles. Mix the children and dogs well together. Put them on the field, stirring constantly. Pour the brook over the pebbles. Sprinkle the field with flowers. Spread over all, a deep blue sky and bake in the sun. When brown, set away to cool in the bathtub!

(Author Unknown)

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Conclusion

The rest of my journey, alas, was not recorded in writing but it is equally unforgettable. We helped can peaches, pears, spaghetti sauce, tomato chunks, beets and beet jelly and we froze corn and green beans. We had get togethers with the youth and enjoyed countless moments of real laughter. Our last day with the Mast family and the Erickson family was at the Erickson's home in Michigan. None of us wanted to part and even the sky was gloomy. We prayed together for our safety in travelling and, amidst many tears, we drove away...with a great shout, our traditional BIG, "GOOOODBYYYYYYEE!!!!!!" all the way down the road til they could no longer hear us. Our last stop in Michigan was at the Smolls where we stayed one more night among friends. Then we left and drove through the rain until we got close to Chicago where it finally stopped.

    We arrived in St. Louis after dark and had White Castle burgers for dinner at my Grandpa's house. The next morning we went to the Arch and went in the elevator all the way to the top....630 feet. It was quite a sight to behold! We could see quite a bit from up there! I got pictures but I will have to post them later. After we descended, we explored the museum then watched a documentary on the making of the Arch. We ate lunch at Denny's and returned to my Grandpa's where we played a few songs for him on our instruments. My mom's half brothers, Adam and John, soon came along with John's wife, Deanna, and their little girl, Brooklyn. We all sat around listening to everyone catching up on news and took pictures together before they left.

    My family and I left my Grandpas house in the morning and went to my Great (and literaly!) uncle Johnny's and Great aunt Lillian's house for a bit. From there we went out to eat at Steak 'n' Shake for breakfast with my cousins Michael and David with their children and David's wife, Amy. They're AWESOME! I absolutely loved it! Even though the food was slow in coming and some of us got a little upset about that... It was still nice to see everyone again after SOOOO long!  After breakfast we had to leave :( and we only did some gas station stops and meal stops until we got to Amarillo, Texas where we stayed overnight and then Albuquerque, New Mexico to visit family. Once we left New Mexico it was several hours more and we were home. We were tired and hot but we unpacked the truck and went to bed.

And that is the pith of my story.

Entry 6

September 5, 2011

Yesterday, at church, I discovered that Caleb Collins is left handed! WOW! I rarely find any left handed people like me. I guess we're just that special... hee hee! :)
      After church and communion, Sarah, Lauren, Lois, Katie Ann, Emma and Wayne, Liz and Josh, Hannah, Charity and I went to a Collingsworth concert. I loved the lyrics and violin playing but I didn't like all the drums and their clothes....there was only one song (music and all together) that I liked and that was "That's the Place I'm Longing to Go". It was fun and nice to find out just how silly Wayne and Josh really are. Haha! A fireman had to come jumpstart the car and we all laughed about it. We sang all the way to the Mast's. I enjoyed my evening thoroughly and I didn't want it to end but, alas, it did. Emma and Wayne took Lois back with them and we went to bed.

Entry 5

August 31, 2011

We watched half Monday night and the rest last night. I loved it! It was funny and sweet and I loved the acting. Great movie all round! :) I especially like Mr. Knightley...he's honest yet still a gentleman...
   Yesterday Grace, Katie Ann, Loretta and I helped plant over 1,000 ferns at the greenhouse which was fast and fun so it didn't seem like that many. We all needed showers after that though! But we were so busy and having so much fun we didn't mind so much. Brother Adin and his girls are fun to work with!
    Today we made noodles with an awesome tool that I would LOVE to get for us! Emma got this one at a garage sale for only $5! We had some of the noodles in chicken soup and it sure was delicious! :)

Entry 4

August 28, 2011

Last night we went to the Adin Horst's for ice cream and lunch (which was a potluck). I enjoyed it! There's nothing like real ice cream! Mmmm!
      Today, after service, Sarah, Katie Ann and I went to Arby's with a group of people from church and afterwards we went back to the Mast's for dessert. Another group (mostly Horst girls) were there with their children and Seth, Levi and Jacob were all there. Hannah and birthday girl, Charity, (Smoll) were there too. We played several rounds of Speed Scrabble and Apples to Apples. Now everyone's gone and Sarah says we (Sarah, Katie Ann and I) might watch Emma tonight if it's not too late.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Entry 3

August 26, 2011

Today Emma, Katie Ann and I prepared a fancy, large dinner for both our families. We had fresh green beans with bacon, tomato skin rose topped salad, shredded potatoes with cheese, pickled eggs and beets, shredded pork, grilled meat balls with cheese in the center, cheesecake with rhubarb sauce, brown sugar dumplings with whipped cream, braided bread, iced coffee, fresh grape juice and water. We used Katie Ann's fine china and put a white tablecloth on the table. Grace and Loretta served.

Tomorrow we're going to be busy and I want to read a little so...Over and out!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Entry 2

August 24, 2011

Today all of us (except Sarah) went to Amish country after an appointment at the bank. First we went to a huge store called Lehman's. They had some beautiful, old fashioned stoves and fridges which I loved.
   Next we went to Yoder's Bargain where I bought name cards for Grace, Melody and myself that had our name meanings on it. Then we wnet to Mrs. Yoder's Kitchen (a restaurant) and filled ourselves with the delicious buffet. The waitresses and waiters were mostly Amish or Mennonite and it was really nice.
   Then we went to Heini's Cheese Factory, learned how they make their cheese there and sampled their scrumptious cheeses. Mmm!

Fifth stop was Johnny and Ella's (Brother Albert's brother) for a chat. The kids took their turns by twos driving a pony cart while the adults talked. It was relaxing for me and wonderful. I love Ella!
  Our visit soon ended and, after a brief stop by a covered bridge, made our last pause at the old Mast was so overgrown with weeds! I remembered, as I stood there, how it used to look and I could hear the voices of the past laughing and talking cheerfully there. I climbed the steps to the barn loft and stood there in the darkness just listening to the creaking of the wood and wanted very much to cry. As much as I loved it there though I'm glad the Mast's have a new, bigger house closer to church where they can make new memories.

Ohio Trip Aug-Sep Journal Entry 1

August 23, 2011

Well I havn't been writing down events as they happen until now but I plan to do so from now on.

On Tuesday, the 16th, we arrived here in Ohio at the Mast's house after a day and a half of driving wiht a 4 hour stop in Oklahoma. That Thursday a Brother Kidrey Diggs preached and it was quite a good sermon. The next night, Sarah, Katie Ann, Tori and I went to Lauren's house to spend the night. Saturday there was a fish fry next door at the Johnson's house. It was delicious! We spent that night again and went to church together in the morning and Brother Ray spoke on "The Bride Coming". We went to Golden Corral with the Horst's, Smolls and Masts...oh yes, a friend of Levi Mast's came too; Jacob Osborne. Lois and I teasted Katie Ann for a while and then Lois, Katie Ann and I teased Charity Smoll. It sure was fun... hee hee!
    Last night Katie Ann and I read for an hour by candlelight which was interesting. I'm reading The Journals of Lewis and Clark and, surprisingly, am enjoying it. I am also learning a new song on the piano called "Expedition" (from the Kingdom series by Chuck Black). I love it!